Getting to Know The RBI Agency
Ron Brockmann
As the agent for The RBI Agency, Ron has been in the industry for nearly 13 years. Back in 1999 he started his first agency working for a captive carrier. Wanting to be able to provide more options for his clients, he decided to sell both of his agencies and open up an independent agency. Since doing so, the opportunities for both the agency and the customer have been worth it all.
Ron enjoys fishing, camping, and helping out with his church family. He is currently considering running a marathon next June in San Diego. Let's hope his knee will hold out long enough for him to be able to cross it off his bucket list.
Email Ron at
Tara Ayala
Tara joins The RBI Agency with over 8 years of experience working in the industry. She is licensed to provide auto, home, business, life and health insurance. Tara provides efficient, accurate service and takes pride in helping her customers. She enjoys providing our clients with the care and service they deserve.
Born and raised in Oregon, Tara loves camping and the outdoors with her family. She resides in Salem with her husband, their two children and the family dog, George.
Email Tara at
Mike Boegel
Bio coming soon.
Email Mike at